English Bulk Tobaccos
Displaying 1 to 9 (of 9 products)
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A Perique lover's delight, Bayou Morning is a bold mixture of Red and Bright Virginias and 25% Perique. While not for the faint of heart, it remains... |
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A Scottish type blend of Latakia, Perique, Virginias, Turkish, and Burleys that boasts a heavier Perique component than normally found in a classic... |
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C&D's Haunted Bookshop is one of the late Bob Runowski's blends, named in honor of the famous novel written by Christopher Morley. A Burley and... |
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Small of leaf, sun-cured, relatively low in nicotine, but packing a big flavor, C&D's high-grade Izmir leaf is cut to their blending specifications... |
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Oriental Silk combines Perique, bright flake, Turkish flake, and Bright Virginia ribbon to create a remarkably elegant and sophisticated smoke. |
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Starting with a base of 50% Latakia, with a generous portion of Turkish leaf and sweetened with stoved Red Virginia, this is a full bodied blend, as... |
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This light to medium bodied blend of Orientals and latakia is extremely clean on the pallet and provides a superb sweet flavor that is great for all... |
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Lancers Slices is a broken flake composed of Virginia and Latakia tobaccos. |
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Proper English is a mix of Virginias, Latakia, and Orientals. It is a medium bodied smokey mixture. |
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Displaying 1 to 9 (of 9 products)