About Us

Christian "Tank" Hutson: Christian is the owner of Just For Him. Christian's love of cigars is matched only by his love for fishing and beer all three of which he likes to combine. Even on his days off when he's not noodling for sharks in Florida you can often find him in the humidor at Just For Him cooing to his "babies".

Jessica "Hot Lips" Hutson: Jessica is not only Tank's wife and business partner, she can outsmoke him any day of the week. She enjoys the richest, spiciest cigars out there.

Waymond E. Gott: Chief Cat Wrangler, Waymond has a deep appreciation of pipes, steaks and petite brunettes… and redheads. Although he possesses no real skills of value to the store and has a penchant for standing around and looking grumpy it was decided that the only way to get the money he owed on his layaway pipe was to hire him and garnish his wages.

Dan "Danimal" Blackson: Dan is a cigar enthusiast with the handy ability to whip up a prosthetic leg in the event of an unfortunate humidor accident. However he is best known for his ability to detect the taste of tapioca in any cigar he smokes.

Amanda "Naughty, Not Nice" Nold: Don't let the "I'm sweet and innocent" act and big doe eyes fool you. She's threatened to poison and stab Waymond and has a penchant for discussing cruel and frightening experiments she would perform on innocent people just to satisfy her own morbid curiosity. In short, she fits in at Just For Him pretty well.

Deana Davison: Deana is a full-time employee and has taken on the task of maintaining some semblance of cleanliness and order in the store (an impossible task). She has been a longtime cigar smoker and customer of Just For Him.

Minerva "Min" Jasmine Elmindreda Gott: Min is no longer with us but still remains in our hearts. Min was Just For Him's most popular employee. Min worked security protecting pipes, keyboards, and her favorite chair. Her hobbies included knocking Amanda's things off of the counter, hiding among the hats to frighten customers, and sleeping. She was prone to random outbursts of homicidal energy known at Just For Him as "Furzerker Mode" during which no spinning top, fluffy ball, or piece of wrapping paper was safe. Min never had an email because she just didn't feel like she needed to waste her valuable time reading or answering messages.
We at Just For Him have always endeavored to provide the best products and services for our loyal customers. In this process, we have affiliated ourselves with the best companies displaying quality, consistency, and customer satisfaction.
- Member PCA
- Davidoff White Label Dealer
- Member Peterson Gold Circle
- Member Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce